Contact Name Peter and Linda Biggs
Contact Telephone see "more information for members"
Email prefix shortbreaks
Frequency/Day/Time various
Venue various
Vacancies Yes
group contact members only


A number of 3-5 day short breaks are organised at least twice per year, to destinations around the UK.


 Our next break is 4 nights from Monday 23 September returning on Friday 27 September. We will be staying in Birmingam and visits during the trip include: The Black Country Museum, Packwood Tudor park and gardens, Coalport china museum, Aerospace museum at RAF Cosford, Cadbury World with a heritage tour including the history of Bournville, Baddesley Clinton House a 15th century moated house. On the way home we will stop at Denny Abbey Farmland museum to learn the history of rural Cambridgeshire.