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Contact Name see "More Information for Members"
Contact Telephone see "More Information for Members"
Email prefix walkingwithafocus
Frequency/Day/Time 3rd Wednesday, 10am
Venue SE Suffolk/NE Essex
Vacancies Yes
group contact members only


Distance around 5 miles; easy pace.

For each walk we aim to pause to view at least one point of interest. For example:-

  • visit a church
  • visit an historic site
  • view the flora and fauna
  • simply to take in the scenery

Leadership of the walks is rotated among group members.


Next Walk - 


The next walk 1000 Wednesday 21 August 2024. A circular walk from near Copdock Primary School through Washbrook, past the church to Chattisham and returning via Coles Green and Fenn Farm. Quite a bit of the walk is on quiet lanes but solid footwear is needed on some of the field paths. There are three Stiles.


 July Walk  - 


A interesting walk around Wickham Market which included a look inside Pettistree church to see the medieval stained glass window. A lot have the group were not familiar with the Wickham area.


Wickham blue flowersWickham church spireWickham pond


 June Walk 


We had a lovely walk from Levington around Loompit Lake which included and an interesting talk about the Site of Special Scientific Interest (SSSI).  We also came across very large farm vehicles, which were going to be used to pick a field of peas overnight ready for freezing.


 Loompit tractorloompit talkLoompit river

Pea picking tractors                                                                              SSSI talk                                                      Loompit


May Walk  - Was a look down memory lane of Felixstowe with a few stops to look at the historical pictures


 Felixstowe fun fairFelixstowe fBilly mannings

Two pictures of Butlins the amusement park and the Cafe.

Felixstowe hotel

 The Cavendish Hotel built in the 1930's, demolished 1988, nothing built to replace it! Still an empty site next Charlie Mannings         


Felixstowe swim pool

 The Manor House hotel was built in 1877 by Colonel George Tomline, who brought the railway to Felixstowe, also in 1877.  It did have a fabulous open air, sea water swimming pool.  He also created the dock basin which became Felixstowe port. The hotel was not a success and Tomline used it as a summer residence.  It eventually became the site of the current caravan park


  April Walk  - Starting by the pond in Polstead, the walk was around field edged paths, meadows and country lanes. Landscape - farmland, woodland, parkland and village. It also included the story of the notorious Red Barn murder


Polstead 1PolsteadPolstead 2


March Walk  - The weather was kinder this month! A walk through Sudbourne and Tunstall woods.


Sudbourne and TunstallSudbourne and Tunstall


February Walk  - Cancelled due to impending weather forecast.


  January Walk  - We enjoyed our first walk of the year around Melton and Woodbridge.

Melton Jan walk membersMelton Two Sisters statue

Melton river scene


December Walk  - A walk through Waldringfield, Hemley and Newborne. 

 Waldringfield shorelineWaldringfield harbour boats

Waldringfield shoreline 2


November Walk - A walk in beautiful sunshine around Witnesham


Witnesham Nov 23 walk churchWitnesham Nov 23 walk Hall


Witnesham Nov 23 walk landscape 


October Walk - A walk from Grundisburgh to Little Bealings through pleasant undulating countryside, with some autumnal colours.


Oct 23 walk BealingsOct 23 walk