Contact Name 1 Beryl Sharples
Contact Telephone 1 01394 285067
Email prefix bridge1
Frequency/Day/Time Tuesday from 9.30am-12.45pm with a break for refreshments; please arrive a few minutes early so that play can begin at 9.30am.
Venue Martlesham Community Hall, Felixstowe Road, Martlesham, IP12 4PB (behind Tesco)
Cost There  is a small charge to cover the cost of the hire of the hall payable annually or half yearly. A taster session is offered.
Vacancies Please Enquire.
group contact members only

This friendly duplicate pairs bridge group is designed for players with a minimum of 3 years experience and have confidence in Acol bidding, play and using some conventions.

The warm hall is light and airy, with good parking facilities, has a ramp access for those members with mobility problems, toilets and a kitchen. 

Bridge is an easy game to learn, a hard game to master but you don't have to be an expert to enjoy it.

A great retirement hobby and something you can share with your life partner. 

Mentally challenging it provides extensive opportunities to play competitively for those who are interested.

Offering lots of social interaction with people from all walks of life and is relatively inexpensive.

A partnership game promoting communication, patience and trust using problem-solving skills. If you are on your own, no problem, we operate a host register so a partner will be found on the day.

It is lots of FUN. Come and give it a go in our friendly club.